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Mod ideas that would significantly improve combat/movement!


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Off the top of my head:

-MAYBE increased arrow speed. Tweaking to fix the bow aim (noticed arrows shoot a bit higher than the crosshair displays)

-Introduction of dodge mechanic for dual wielding since you're essentially a sitting duck in close combat as a DWer.

-Quicker attacks after drawing weapons, plus generally removing the stickiness and delays in attacking/sprinting/etc

-Quick time event to avoid executes

-Jumping while sprinting. To avoid abuse of infinite sprinting by spamming stamina free jumps, make jumping while sprinting cost stamina equal to the amount of stamina you would use sprinting the distance you can jump whilst sprinting on level ground

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please,please,I'm on my knees,please do something about the drawn idle two wielding stance,I really love to play as an Orc,aren't they supposed to be like savage and brutal beasts?instead when they hold two weapons in each hand they look like they gonna pull some Bruce Lee [censored],like they know martial arts,my orc doesn't look like he love karate lessons man wtf..that is good for dark elves and cats but not on an orc...that stance is such a tun off..it's like a [censored] blocker dudes and no one like one of those,please change the freaking stance to some blood hungry gory type stance,make it look like when an orc or a nord draws tow axes..make it look like they mean business. Much love from us 3rds person lovers !
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