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DAI Mods not appearing in game


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@Crescentia0; The exact number doesn't matter, it simply must be at, or higher, than (a) the one of the patch level of the game itself, and (b) what it was at the last save you made.


@Yroxay; If the DAI ModManager "isn't working", you have more serious problems than anyone here can help correct.

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@Yroxay; Glad you got things sorted.



@Crescentia0; Not sure how to see the "current" expected version number directly. (I would think it must be contained in the .das save file, but I don't know how to "read" anything but the ASCII text in those.) But again, it doesn't really matter what the exact number is. If you can load your latest save, then the version number is correct. If you can't because it tries to load and throws an error, then increment the version by one until either, ( a ) the Load succeeds, or ( b ) you're sure you've exceeded any possible correct value (so maybe 12-18.)


In any case, It's very unlikely to be higher than 20. Depends on exactly how many "Merge" actions you've performed, exactly which version of DAI MM you were using, and whether you had removed the previous "Patch_ModManagerMerge" folder before the next "Merge" action (this used to be recommended, but no longer.)

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@thandal, oh I see! Thank you for the information.My version number is correct, because I can load my latest safe, so at least that isn't the problem!


@Yroxay, I am also glad that your mm works again! Do the mods also now show up in the game? :)

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Well, I thank you for the time and effort. You did help me at finding the problem, even if it was only pushing me into the right direction.



Yes, the do appear ingame and the work perfectly.

I get you don't have the same issue? If not, I really wish you luck by finding it.

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