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Fallout: New Vegas Fan Fiction


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Hi Guys. This is the first fan fiction I have written, and i would really like to get some feedback to improve my writing. My characters adventures will include locations from FNV and some of the DLCs, Operation Anchorage, The cancelled Fallout 3, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and some entirely made up locations. I am starting out with the story of Jack Ryan, the 23 year old daughter of a Boomer and ex-Enclave soldier. After hearing the haunting sound of the Serria Madra Emergency Radio Broadcast, she resolved to find out where it was coming from and why. She jury-rigged a Pre-war radar set at Nellis as a direction finder but found that it's range was much to limited to be of any use. She then snuck into Black Mountain to use the sat-com array their. Finding that the source was nowhere near any trade or caravan routs, she hitched a ride on a Enclave Vertabird that was delivering supplies to Navarros fall back outpost. It dropped her off near the Villas entrance where our story


I was finally here, the Serria Madre Casino, in all its glory and splendor. As I walked toward the main gate started chocking on the blood red cloud that seemed to be spewing from the casino. Within a minute I was out, and awoke laying in front of the fountain in the Villas center. The hologram of a women was displayed on top of the fountain, and surrounding me, reaching up into the sky, were decaying resort apartments, in sort of a Spanish or Mexican style. In several places the buildings parted to show streets leading off into the gloom, and far away I heard the sounds of creatures moving. It was only after taking in my intimidating surrounding that I started to feel cold and realized I was naked and all my equipment was gone. Alarmed by the notion that my skin would soon be corroded by the Cloud, I began to look for something to wear. I noticed a pile of clothing and equipment that I realized was mine; but, with several additions. A respirator had been inside my 1st Recon Beret, and instead of the custom .45 Auto pistol Joshua Gram had given me, their was a small .357 Revolver loaded with Hollow- Points. I had found similar ones while digging through New Vegas's main police station and this one looked like it was also intended for police use. When I checked my sachel, I found my Frag grenades missing but everything else untouched, along with a 20 round box of .357 hollow points and two speed loaders. Inside the box I found a battered old map with a note scrawled on the back. The note said," Get to the Police Station and check the terminal for further information". I flipped over the map and spotted a building with the words," Police Station" circled, I estimated that it would take me between 20-30min to walk their. I shivered at the thought of having only 26 .357 rounds, but pushed the thought out of my mind and proceeded to get dressed. I slipped into my OD Green BDU pants and pulled my white tanktop over my head. I laced up my boots and zipped up Ballistic Vest while buckling my shoulder holster over my vest. To complete my uniform I put on my 1st Recon Beret, placed my ancient aviator glasses on the bridge of my nose, and threw my sachel over my shoulder and started to walk.

 As I walked out from under an archway, I heard the sound of wind whistling above me. I looked upward  for the source of the noise and saw two glowing green orbs staring back at me through the blood red haze. Within an instant they were gone, and I wondered if I had even seen anything at all. Quietly I slipped my revolver out from it's holster and started scanning the roof tops for movement, slowly circling with trite deliberate footsteps. I was so focused on the noise that I didn't notice the figure behind me pull out a rag and stuff it over my mouth then the whole world went black.


When I finally opened my eyes I found myself in a small, dimly lit room. Like the rest of the Serria Madra, the walls were composed of brick or tile the color of dried blood. Their was a table in the corner of the room, on which sat a small lantern which illuminated the room. The rooms only entrance was barricaded, instead a tunnel had been dug. Under the table sat a large backpack with a hunting rifle leaning up next to it.  I looked down to see i was sleeping on bedroll that thankfully covered my naked body. It was only after taking in my surroundings did I notice the shadow of a man standing in a dark spot in the rooms corner. As he walked into the light I finally saw my attacker. He was wearing some sort of hooded gas mask and some type of orange riot armor. I recognised it as identical, in everything execpt color, to security armor I had found in the irradiated hellhole know as Vault 34. When I saw he was aiming the hunting rifle at me, I froze, knowing i couldn't doge a bullet from the position i was in. In a muffled voice he said," Your awake good. Now don't make any sudden moves, don't stand up, and stay where you are". Then he turned around and walked to the corner of the room where.  Once he was gone i  heaved a sigh of relief, knowing the next question would probably be who I was and why the hell i was here, not a bullet to the brain. He returned with my clothes, threw them to me, pulled up a chair, and started to take off his mask.

Edited by ihazbadluck
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I'm already starting work on the next chapter of this story and ideas for characters and locations would be greatly appreciated. I'll probably have the next chapter uploaded by the end of this weekend and am adding several more characters.
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