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Voice files!

Curt Sibling

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Looking through the MW directories, I happened upon the NPC voice files of Yagrum, Vivec and a few other characters.


I duly wondered why they are not connected to their characters in-game?


Vivec's is rather cool, and Yagrums is funny.


But I heard the editor has no connection to the MP3 files.




Is there any way to connect the sounds to the NPCs without undue hexxing and despair?

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yes that does work, and its probably the only way to get it working, of course, youll end up making your own little plugin for that, call it an update if you will, gives you that i dont like to cheat feeling :D


although, i didnt like vivecs, so i recorded my grim and frostbitten cookie monster growl and changed it to vivecs, now upon walking in his dwemer base thing, its "COOOOOOOMMMMEEEEEE NEEEERRREEEEVAAAARRRR!!!"

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