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Trying to material swap a sign.

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I want to add an alternative material to a sign. So followed a tutorial but that guy was doing it on a hazmat suit. I've done my texture, I have edited the copy I did of the original BGSM file. I've made a "material swap" were I have the path to the original and the replacement. This far I think I have done everything correct. From here I am a little unsure what to do. The guy in the tutorial opened a templet window for the hazmat suit, I couldn't find that for the sign Im using (it's sign_sandycove), All you can do is edit the model and in that window you can choose a material swap. But I have to uncheck the "Only valid" box before I can find my Material Swap.


Maybe I am doing this the wrong way all together. Do you know what to do?



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How are you telling the game to do the material swap?


For example do you have something that loads the referenced object with your bgsm?





Can you set me in the right direction in order to find that window you're displaying?

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Sorry for the late answer. If you want to just replace the texture (that is not have it triggered on a event of your choosing) I'd recommend just replacing the file. If you know where the texture file is originally found. Probably something like /Data/Textures/SetDressing/Signage/ or something. The windows I'm using to show my example is from FO4Edit, sorry for the confusion. I find prefer it but in the CK it would be under Misc -> Material Swaps.

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As kingtobbe says, if you just want to replace the texture on the sign, you can just drop the texture file into your data folder in the same location in the file tree as the original would be. Make sure you dive the texture the same name as the original so that the game will know what to do with it.


If you want to make a standalone version of the sign that has your texture or something like that, you will need to go about things differently. I won't go into detail on that if you just want to do a straight texture swap, but do let us know if you are wanting to do something fancy that needs a material swap. I usually use Creation Kit, so can walk you through that if need be.

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As kingtobbe says, if you just want to replace the texture on the sign, you can just drop the texture file into your data folder in the same location in the file tree as the original would be. Make sure you dive the texture the same name as the original so that the game will know what to do with it.


If you want to make a standalone version of the sign that has your texture or something like that, you will need to go about things differently. I won't go into detail on that if you just want to do a straight texture swap, but do let us know if you are wanting to do something fancy that needs a material swap. I usually use Creation Kit, so can walk you through that if need be.

Frogprincess! I want to do a standalone cause I don't want people to find the sign in Boston and see it's changed. I want to use the mesh of SetDressing\Signage\Sign_SandyCove. And btw, How improtant is it to change the the normal? Cause right now I've only changed the diffuse. You may notice I am actually a programmer pretending to be a digital artist, or whatever the term is.


Thank you! And thanks @kingtobbe for the answer, psst are you swedish, cause "Tobbe" is a swedish nickname.

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