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Odd Request, 'Advanced Training' Perk


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This is quite a strange request.

There are a few perks that cause different effects while wearing an item and not.

I want to use that in a new set of perks.


Basically I want a Perk that allows you to wear training weights on your wrists and ankles. I don't really care if they had proper meshes or just used default ones or even no visual item at all.


I apologise for the vagueness of my numbers.


The Perk would have three Ranks to represent using heavier weights.


Rank 1 (Req. Level 1)

Weights on: Gain more XP. (Maybe +10%, something not game breaking)

Weights off: Boost strength and agility a small amount (+1?), increase player movement speed slightly


Rank 2 (Req. Level 10?)

Weights on: Gain even more XP. (+25%?)

Weights off: Boost strength and agility more (+4?), greatly increase movement speed.


Rank 3 (Req. Level 20?)

Weights on: Gain XP with ease. (+50%?)

Weights off: Boost strength and agility to 10, increase movement speed to superhuman!


At Rank 3, while just increasing movement speed a huge amount would be fine,

what would be perfect is if you increase the speed a decent amount, not quite superhuman, but then added a bullet time effect.

I thought of this after playing a vampire mod, it has super-speed and did just this, slowed everything down except the player. So the increased speed combined with everything slowing down would make your speed superhuman.

However I have no idea how difficult that is to make, so I could install a separate bullet time mod.


Thank you in advance for any response

Edited by Dante Wrath
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