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Possible Bug with Liberating Skyrim Quest


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Hey Everyone, so I'm doing the quests for the Stormcloaks and I have to liberate the reach. To do so I have to go to Markarth. Problem is that I did the forsworn quest and was arrested previous. I escaped but the crime level achieved in that quest won't go away even though the forsworn said they would take credit for the crime. So when I go back the guards try to arrest me but when I say fine take me to jail they won't. The dialogue just repeats and no matter how many times I try to say I'll go to jail they won't take me. So now I can't do the things in the city I need to do. It would seem that the error is in the end of the forsworn quest that your crime level is not reset after you escape the city. Any thoughts or fixes to this problem would be appreciated as it's completely stopped my first and main character's story progress.


The Dwarf

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I've been trying. It doesn't work. I type player.setcrimegold 0 [enter] and it accepts the command accept that it still shows an outstanding bounty. I did player.additem F 1 to add a single gold to make sure that my console commands were functioning but it won't let me remove the bounty, any thoughts?
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Hey No problem Masq, we tried lol. I'm sure some one will come up with one, it seems others are having the same bug.


I confirm I have the same bug, the guards in Markarth are trying to arrest me in an endless loop and when I answer that I submit and accept to go to jail... nothing...

I tried multiple commands for which the syntax is known but none of them seems to act on the crime status nor the fine. BTW, It seems for murder the fine is not applicable and jail is the only option.

Well...I just hope someone will find a way to completly clear the "crime status", in the meantime I am stockpiling guard bodies in this town :biggrin:

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In Skyrim, each hold keeps track of bounties separately, which means you also need the FactionID of the hold in which you want you clear your bounty.

player.setcrimegold <hold> 0. Hold being the FactionID. I have no idea where to acquire these IDs. Hope this helps, though.


And if anyone knows how to fix MY problem..:

I've received the quest, and it tells me to liberate Falkreath, but when I try to talk to Galmar, there is no 'Reporting in' dialogue choice. I don't think that I have a bounty.

Edited by Rawrgasm
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Right, found a fix for the guard-bug in Markath.

Stand next to a markath guard, open the console ( ~ by default I believe), click the guard and enter "paycrimegold" without the quation marks of course.

That pays your bounty (the gold actually gets removed too) and clears the bounty. No more trouble with the guards.

Edited by Lexarix
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  • 1 month later...

Right, found a fix for the guard-bug in Markath.

Stand next to a markath guard, open the console ( ~ by default I believe), click the guard and enter "paycrimegold" without the quation marks of course.

That pays your bounty (the gold actually gets removed too) and clears the bounty. No more trouble with the guards.


I have just done the things above yet the guards still try to kill me although i already tried to bribe 'em (i have been a member of the Thieves Guild).

This is becoming really annoying cause i have finished the markath quest which had forced my character to go to markath jail (Chidne Mine),

and after i've been free i still get arrested for the past "murder and conspiracy" i had sentenced for, till now.





Nadamaru The Argonian

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