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Bug in distant trees and carpets


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Hi, I'm having a problem with distant textures, mainly trees. They appear very colorful from a distance and when near the trees, leaves textures go back to normal. This also happen to carpets. This is annoying! Here's what I'm talking about:





Is there a way to solve this?

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You may have an issue similar to this one:

Bright blue leather rack texture

Or not. Basically, you should first check to make sure you have installed the HD DLC package (assuming your computer can handle it), and added the unofficial HD patch to your mods. Check for all the things listed in that thread. Update your video drivers if avail. What mods are you running?



I can tell you that Skyrim uses a different set of textures for distant objects, and that distance is set with the video setup advanced sliders. One way to somewhat mitigate this problem, but not eliminate it, is to move the view distance to the max. By your screenshot I can tell the slider is no more than default distance, which was set for 2011 computers.

Edited by HalloweenWeed
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