Listbader Posted July 11, 2016 Share Posted July 11, 2016 Hello Everyone First of all I would ask you to read through entire text before calling me an Idiot or something. I am new in modding and I simply do not have any experience with Mod requesting. Sorry in advance for every mistake I'll do.Simple things first. Most of you are probably familiar with Skyrim mods “Frostall” or “Frostfall” (I do not remember) and “INeed” so I will not describe them in detail. My first request would be to create their equivalents in Fallout 4. Together with “Campsite” mod it would greatly improve my experience. Second request is more complicated, even thou, like the previous, it is based on Skyrim mod. “Equipment Overhaul” I believe it was called, redone the way player equipped their weapons, by for instance making the character drop the weapon in hand on the ground, if it was changed without sheathing it first. And in general it would be very similar to my mod idea. 1. Three groups. First of all, Items would be divided into three groups. In Inventory, In favourites and In hand. How the weapon will behave will depend on where is it placed in three groups.Inventory group items will have to be sheathed to not be dropped while changing, and will have to be manually equipped again after sheathing.Favourites group items won't have to be sheathed and can be changed immediately.In hand group, is a bit like Inventory group with one difference to it. When seeing an item on ground pressing “E” will add it to inventory, but holding “E” will automatically equip it. Item in hand have to be sheathed in order to change it without dropping it.2. FavouritesJust like in Skyrim's “Equipping Overhaul” All items in favourites would be visible on the character in form of actual weapons or pouches (for chems or meds). However placing said items in Favourites menu will also change. At the beginning a character would receive Item called “harness” or something like that, that enables him to equip four items to the favourites menu. One on each side. In 3rd person view it would look like character have holsters in various places like on back or behind belt or under shoulder. Later at workbenches it would be possible to craft additional holsters to unlock more slots in favourites menu up to three on each side. Third mod is more cosmetic than game changing and can be put simply as “animation overhaul” yet I do not mean dancing mod. What I have in mind is more of adding additional animation to improve character movement and behaviour. Like animation of gaining and loosing momentum while starting and stopping sprinting or gestures while talking. To say simply mod that ads animation to simple things that will put more live into our characters. Last request is more of a message to actual mod creator with some ideas for further improvement. Dear registrator2000. I love your "take cover" mod and I came up with few ideas. How about adding some animations like sliding/jumping into cover and quick cover change with double tap of “cover hotkey” while looking at another cover. Anyway that would be everything that I'd like to bother you for a while. Thanks all of you who red it. I still have some more mods ideas and absolutely no idea how to made them. Also I can give all the credit for my ideas to anyone interested and skilled enough to try and make this mods. Just let me know when they are ready. Thanks for your patience and as always sorry for my bad English. (I am from Poland) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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