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Armor and weapon display cases


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I love the BOS bunkers and am trying to make a home using their bunker system and have always wanted to make a "display case" to display both armor and/or weapons using the "jail cell" from Fallout 3 (near the end of the game you get captured by the Enclave and wake up stuck in a blue force field). The "jail cell" is in the NV GECK, but i have no idea how to make it a workable container or how to make it display the armor as it would appear on a mannequin, let alone make it hold a gun. If anyone has the skills and tine to help me with this, or to make it themselves...

A: I'd be jealouse :)

B: I'd greatly appreciate the help.


Thanks to all.

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The way I did it in my mod is:


1. I made a container, added a Reference name to it, placed it outside the player accessable areas (you would need toggle clipping off to reach the actual containers)


2. add in the display wall


3. add in static references to the weapons you want on the wall (they aren't usable weapons, but persistance references) make sure you set them to initially disabled.


4. Add an activator switch


5. add in the following script to the base item for the activator switch *note, anything in quotes are things that you can name what you want:


ScriptName "your script name"

short button
short WeapCount <this i believe can actually be what ever you want, you could set it to be called "numberone" or some such, just make sure that it's the same for all instances of it in the script.

Begin onactivate
IF IsActionRef player  == 1
	showmessage "your custom message name" <This part is optional, you could just make it activate the container you made in step 1.  if you don't want a custom message, use the code "your container reference name".activate

Begin Gamemode
if (choice) <<<Add in only if you added a custom message. if you have no message, skip to the line below "if button == 1"
	set button to getbuttonpressed
		if button == 0
			"your container ref name".Activate player 1

		if button == 1
			set WeapCount to player.getitemcount WeapBladedGauntletUnique <start here if you have no custom message displayed
			if ( WeapCount > 0)
				player.removeitem WeapBladedGauntletUnique WeapCount 1
				"the reference name of your container from step 1".additem WeapBladedGauntletUnique WeapCount
			set WeapCount to 0

			continue with the code until you have all the weapons you want displayed added.


Please note, with the references in the script, the references NEED to be present or the script won't save.


6. ????


7. profit!


you can pm me if you have any questions, I know this isn't the most coherent step by step guide, but I'm running on a few hours of sleep and caffeine.

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