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Realistic Vampire Improvements


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I feel like the vampire is lacking some of the more immersive characteristics that make it a FUN way to play. I don't think anyone ever says, "OMG, I have 100% poison resistance! I am having soooooooooooo much fun!"


I think there could be some very minor modifications to vampires that would make them much more enjoyable without having to change the whole game to accomodate them. (All modifiers are arbitrary - just used to give general ideas on how the actual feel of being a vampire would change.)



1. Run speed

Day: normal

Night: +30%


2. Jump height

Day: normal

Night: +100+%


3. Noise modifier

Day: normal

Night: -50-70%


4. Night Vision

Night Hours: Slightly increase gamma of night vision. (Would play very nicely with the "realism" mods everyone is talking about)


5. Melee attack bonus

Night hours: Any physical attack is increased by ~10-20% due to "strength increase".



5. Feeding

Give an ABILITY to feed (i.e. same button as shouts, racial traits, etc.). Feeding would initiate an attack and do life siphoning damage until you're shaken off whereupon normal battle progresses. Perhaps if using sneak and feed from behind an enemy and after some type of strength check on the enemy, if they're not able to shake you off and you're able to kill them completely, you're temporarily rewarded with a "blood lust" stat bonus.


6. Disguising Vampirism

Some type of hood/helmet you could wear in towns and cities during Stage 4 that would not cause immediate hostility. However, hostility could be triggered by some combination of minimum distance from NPC + available lighting. Hypothetically, if you could find a dimly lit building, you could interact if you were able to keep a distance.




1. Daytime Vision

Day Hours: Slight blur, slight decrease in gamma.


2. Daytime Stat reduction

Day Hours: Severely reduce, if not completely remove, positive vampire stats (resistances, stealth modifier, etc.)


3. Food Effects

Normal food has no positive effects on vampires.



These changes seem enough to alter active gameplay enough to make it feel more vampire-like without changing a whole lot. It'd give you a reason to sleep during the days and wait until night to go out and start the killing.

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I agree on fact that vampirism need to be tweeked, i tryed to play as vampire and it was way to much work to keep feeding after evry fast travel.

My idea would be to advance vampirism not thrue feeding but thrue feeding on other vampires (so you walk in vampire nest, find someone who sleeps and feed on him)

Lessen negative effects on stages during day time (no moar minus health /stamina / regen) but also lessen positive effects (no moar hp or stamina again) i think whit positive effects it should be only:


improved health regen

improved stamina regen

slight improved meele dmg

(ammounts change on stage of vampirism) all stages except stage 4 npc stay friendly, on stage 4 you would gain 200% health regen, 200% stamina regen, and 20-30% improved dmg whit all melee weapons.


Negative effects during day time:

lessen stamina regen (on stage 1-2, stops on stage 3, on stage 4 it will drain)

lessen hp regen (on stage 1-2, stops on stage 3, on stage 4 will take small dmg)

Bonus dmg whit weapons is removed in evry stage during day time, but you wont go minus even if stage 4


Feeding would be optional, after feeding on victum you would gain 8h long buff that would inc your X stat (hp or soming)


PS: Also there is need to change graphic of eyes, durin stage 1-3 it should be normal, on stage 4 go full black/red

PPS: Its just silly that you need to feed after evry fast travel or you advance to stage 2, but as human you never need to eat :)


Also on Vampire Effects, i think that HP drain thingy needs to be changed to sneak attack or soming so you go behind someone and deal great dmg by biting them and recover hp, mana, stam that way.


Oooh another important point, when you eat garlick your vampirism should be lowered by 1 stage, that way players will have controll over theyr vampirism stages


PPS: Remove that annoying -50% fire resistance completely, on master difficulty its insane to fight fire dragon when you vampire.

Edited by Illuna
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Great ideas, Illuna.


I really like the idea of being able to quickly progress your vampirism to Stage 4 by feeding on living people (as an attack). And conversely, really like the idea of being able to degrade the stages through eating something like garlic.


My imagination takes me to a dungeon where you, as a stage 1 vampire, are able to sneak up on a group of enemies, killing them 1 by 1 by feeding on them from behind. Within minutes, you're a Stage 4 vampire where your stats are all boosted as you lust for blood. I agree with you; it sounds like tiered stat modifiers (as shown in first post) that are determined by your stage are in order.


For instance:

Stage 1: Run speed

Day: normal

Night: +5%


Stage 2: Run speed

Day: normal

Night: +10%


Stage 3: Run speed

Day: -5%

Night: +20%


Stage 4: Run speed

Day: -5%

Night: +30%


To your point about the fire resistence, I would say think that we should leave that alone. Being a vampire needs to have negative side effects as well. Being very susceptible to fire is one of them. If you're able to "super charge" yourself against normal enemies, having a very difficult time against fire dragons/fire-based magic users should just be part of the down-side.

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well i can always drink potion to fix fire resistance issue :)


as to progressing to next stage of vampirism via feeding on ppl is nice aswell tho my original idea was to progress via feeding on other hostile vampires (would be harder since you wouldnt be able to just kill 2-3 foes whit finisher from behind and be super strong) tho feeding move from behind should give you stacking bonus or something to get that done, so the more ppl you kill that way stronger you become.


Think about it evry lore i know says that more blood vampire has drinked stronger he is.( well age is usually an issue but its cos whit longer time vampire got more time to drink more blood )

Also in evry movie i watch even stage 4 vampires can seduce / hypnotize normal ppl so they dont go berserk. imagine you see this stage 4 vampire whit they look that says i rip off you insides and will wear em as a hat... you aint going to attack that even if someone pays you :whistling:


As to feeding on other vampires i got idea from "Underworld" where main heroine feeded on real old guy and became superstrong. (remember humans just food to keep you going shouldnt give you stranght)


PS: you shouldnt be able to feed on same vampire 2 times, so to get to stage 4 you need 4 different vampires to feed on.

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Hah, yeah. That would be cool if the AI reacted as such:


Stage 4 vampire encounters random NPC:

-IF some type of power check between you and the NPC shows that you are far more powerful - it triggers the NPCs FRIGHT reaction. "Oh no, please don't hurt me!" <runs away>

-IF the power check shows that they are roughly equivalent or stronger than you, they immediately attack.


It'd be way fun to walk through a city and watch as the village scatters in fear. :biggrin:

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Oooh yeah got another nice idea, make it so you can advance to next stage of vampirism by not only feeding on another vamprice but also by eating deadra hearth, now its what 900 septims per stage so its nice and expensive, also rare. similar thing whit human hearth, you eat it and you gain 8h bonus as if you feeded on human. (garlik still removes all bonuses and lowers vampirism stage) This would allow to "power up" before strong fights but would cost a lot of money. and would reguire garlick to lower stage back to 3 so npcs wont kill you on sight.


Other normal bonuses remain same, so you immune to poisons 50 or 100% immune to desies.


PS: i think when creation kit comes out i will be able to do bonuses thing, but not sure about feeding and stuff that might be harder, but on eating deadra hearth should be easy to make, tho would be nice if someone whit more expirience would make this overhaul and allow us to play as vampires that actually enjoy being vampires.

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Well while I thought the new vampire system was something of an improvement on Oblivion's one its still very limited. I like the fact that you can move around during the day for once, with reduced powers but the one criminal aspect of the game is that after becoming a vampire you can't go and join a vampire faction.

Yes thats right no faction. Plus even entering a vampire lair you are still regarded as an enemy even if you're a vampire. Seriously dumb oversight by Bethesda.


I wouldn't mind so much the fact that there are no actual vampire PC quests beyond finding a cure but at least they could have given you the option to at least talk or trade with other vampires and use their lairs as a hideout. For some reason Bethesda are really half hearted when people want to roleplay evil characters take the whole Necromancer faction issue in Oblivion and now in Skyrim and no I don't think a Necromancy perk on the conjuration table is sufficient. Given how the karma meter has finally been dropped I expected more.


So joining a vampire faction or at least using their lairs is something I want to see. As well as a possible become ethereal or smoke perk similar to the Dragon shout ability for people who don't want to follow the main quest. The ability to summon wolves would be cool as well as the potential to turn NPC's into vampires too.

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Hi everyone; im a bit new on this forum; well i played oblivion and vampires weakness were way better. In skyrim, sun doesnt affect the character enough to be an handicap (why being a vampire in daytime ? Twilight ? they forgot the sparkles!!!! ^^) seriously hope a mod will fix that soon.

Just thanks at all the modders and the community :)

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