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Mod for romance with kiss


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For this moment there is no TESC for Skyrim, but I would like in the futur a mod who you marridge you can kiss your husband same

as the mod Dragon age origins.


Would you think it's possible ?



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For this moment there is no TESC for Skyrim, but I would like in the futur a mod who you marridge you can kiss your husband same

as the mod Dragon age origins.


Would you think it's possible ?





Heh. Well. Lemme tell you. With...other...mods that have been released in the past, I can almost guarentee that you will be able to do -much- more than kiss your spouse. And of course, kiss your spouse. And probably have an intimate, nightly encounter that most would consider "Casual" (Not sure on rules regarding such intimate nightly encounters in forums xD) with just about anyone. It might be out as soon as CS is released (Port from F3/NV or Oblivion?), or it might take longer. (Engines differant, so I dont know if a direct cheapie-quick port would be possible).


However, it may be more of a "Pose" that is possible rather than a direct kiss. Not that theres something wrong with a direct kiss, but uhhh...if thats first base, the only things Ive seen animated have been full score home runs, get what I mean?

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