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The Wheels Of Lull


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I need help please and thank you (I was always taught to use my manners before I ask for something lol).

I installed the quest The Wheels of Lull. I can get as far as installing the pegs and thats it. The problem Im having is that I can find the light things youre supposed to find, but thats it. Ive googled the problem and watched a video walkthrough to see if Im doing anything wrong. Apparently theres supposed to be dwarven looking box things within the lights that you install the pegs into. Mine arent there.

I have the tropical terrain installed. Could this be why I cant see the boxes? Or is it something else?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


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Sorry Pink, I don't know anything about the Wheels of Lull though I appreciate that you tried to look for answers on your own before asking. Best I can do is suggest you try asking in the Wheels of Lull comment/release thread. Go to the mod page, click on the comments tab and then select "view as forum thread," you'll then be able to put a search term in the space in the upper right hand corner and see if anyone else in that thread has encountered (and hopefully fixed) a similar issue to your own. If no one has then you can also leave a comment and people who actually play that mod and are familiar with it are more likely to find your question and help you.


Good luck.

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