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Marriage bug with Muiri


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So I decided that I would marry Muiri considering she's the most attractive NPC character you can marry and she gives you the shop benefits and whatnot. She seems to work fine for the most part and I've got all the proper dialogue options (asking for the 100 gold a day, asking for a meal, etc.) There's only one problem, however; her greeting message has not changed so every time I talk to her I get the default greeting where she thanks you for dealing with her problem in the Dark Brotherhood quest. Strange because her goodbye message works properly, it's just the greeting message that's bugged. It's not a big deal as I still get all the benefits of marrying her and everything, but it's really annoying to her her repeating the same "thank you" message every time I walk into my house. Can anyone else who's married her confirm this bug? Any way to fix it at the moment? Or will I have to wait for the toolset to be released or an official patch to fix it?
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this x 100....


My god how annoying, i'm trying to get my house how i want it, and everytime she walks by me, its "thank you again for resolving...my problem"






edit: i really think i am going to have to kill her...

Edited by iMaDMaN1
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