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Seemingly, only 1 of my NMM mods work


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I reinstalled Fallout 4 after a few months of not having it, along with NMM and the mods I had. I have exactly 90 mods on NMM, but for some reason, the only mod I can see working is the "Survival difficulty weightless ammo", all the other ones simply do not apply. I made a new character, and when I started playing, none of the mods (except for the ammo one) were working.




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Bought the base game during the recent Steam sale and am having the same problem.


Picked out about two dozen mods, downloaded and installed them all via NMM, and none of them seem to work. I manually installed one of them from loose files and that worked. I went back and started looking at the comment and bug sections for the mods I chose and it seems we are not the only people having this problem.


I am not sure how to fix it, just wanted to commiserate.


Going to try manually installing some more mods to see if I can get any more of them to work.

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