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Can anyone please help me? My mod is almost complete.

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My mod involves skipping almost the whole pre-war sequence and into the hallway leading into the cryo room in Vault 111. (the one with the Sole Survivors Cryo Pod)


I managed to close the bathroom door and made it into a teleporter into the hallway mentioned above. I exited the character creation, went through the door into the vault, and the Out of Time quest starts as normal after picking up the Pip-boy and exiting Vault 111. Everything goes very well, EXCEPT a lot of the player controls are still disabled. I can't look at the pipboy, fight, sprint, sneak, and use VATS.


I'm so close to completing my mod, but I don't know how to re-enable the controls. I'm assuming you have to do something with the scripting, but I don't know what exactly.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Note: During my earlier attempts at accomplishing this, I deleted the radroachs in Vault 111 in order to pick up the pipboy, because I couldn't fight.

Edited by Herald777
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Check the specific quest, the starting one, and check in the scripting for the disabling of basic functions.. is what I'd start at, with the location, there should be markers or something, just try to use those as bread crumbs to the scripts if you can't find them?

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@vTemporalZEROv I tried looking through the scripts for both MQ101 and MQ102 and I can't find any scripts that seem to disable the controls (I'm using Notepad++), besides the "Fast Walk Only" in the "Mirror Shutdown" (Stage 18) stage fragment and a script in the Stage 400 fragment described below. I deleted the "Fast Walk Only"​ script and it seems to have helped a little. (I can run now, but I still can't sprint or do any of the other actions described above in my post)


;allow player to run

Game.GetPlayer ().ChangeAnimArchetype(AnimArchetypePlayer)

kmyquest.MQ101EnableLayer.EnablePlayerControls(abMovement = True, abFighting = False, abCamSwitch = True, ablooking = True, abSneaking = False, abMenu = False, abActivate = True, abJournalTabs = False, abVATS = False, abFavorites = False)



I tried putting this same script into the "Mirror Shutdown" stage fragment and changing all of these actions to true. The scripts compile with no errors, but when I try to test it in my game it doesn't seem to do anything.


Do I need to delete the script in the Stage 400 Fragment? I didn't think I needed to, because I skipped the rest of the stages in the quest after the "Mirror Shutdown" stage, by going into the vault through the bathroom door.


I also tried looking for any markers with control disabling scripts in both the bathroom and the vault and so far I haven't found anything. (I'm going to try looking again just to be sure)



@TimidGal I tried to put the script you gave me into the fragment, but there are 2 errors listed in the script compilation saying:


"variable myLayer is undefined"

"none is not a known user-defined script type"


I'm thinking I might need to add or do something with the properties, but I'm not sure what to type into the new property (If I need to create a new property) or what I should do exactly.


@both Thank you for trying to help me.

Edited by Herald777
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@vTemporalZEROv I tried looking through the scripts for both MQ101 and MQ102 and I can't find any scripts that seem to disable the controls (I'm using Notepad++), besides the "Fast Walk Only" in the "Mirror Shutdown" (Stage 18) stage fragment and a script in the Stage 400 fragment described below. I deleted the "Fast Walk Only"​ script and it seems to have helped a little. (I can run now, but I still can't sprint or do any of the other actions described above in my post)


;allow player to run

Game.GetPlayer ().ChangeAnimArchetype(AnimArchetypePlayer)

kmyquest.MQ101EnableLayer.EnablePlayerControls(abMovement = True, abFighting = False, abCamSwitch = True, ablooking = True, abSneaking = False, abMenu = False, abActivate = True, abJournalTabs = False, abVATS = False, abFavorites = False)



I tried putting this same script into the "Mirror Shutdown" stage fragment and changing all of these actions to true. The scripts compile with no errors, but when I try to test it in my game it doesn't seem to do anything.


Do I need to delete the script in the Stage 400 Fragment? I didn't think I needed to, because I skipped the rest of the stages in the quest after the "Mirror Shutdown" stage, by going into the vault through the bathroom door.


I also tried looking for any markers with control disabling scripts in both the bathroom and the vault and so far I haven't found anything. (I'm going to try looking again just to be sure)



@TimidGal I tried to put the script you gave me into the fragment, but there are 2 errors listed in the script compilation saying:


"variable myLayer is undefined"

"none is not a known user-defined script type"


I'm thinking I might need to add or do something with the properties, but I'm not sure what to type into the new property (If I need to create a new property) or what I should do exactly.


@both Thank you for trying to help me.


To get the input layer to work you will need to add an InputEnableLayer object like this: InputEnableLayer myLayer

Then you will need to "create" it: myLayer.Create()

And finally run the enable player controls function: myLayer.EnablePlayerControls()


If you want to know a little more about what you can do with InputEnableLayer's, have a look at the InputEnableLayer.psc file in the base source scripts folder.

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@​Loganbacca Thank you. I tried what you suggested like so:


InputEnableLayer my Layer





It seems to have helped a little (I don't get the 2 errors anymore), but unfortunately I get a new error when compiling:


cannot call the global function Create on the variable myLayer, must call it alone or on a type


I found these in the InputEnableLayer.psc:


; Creates a new input enable layer and returns it. These are limited, so make sure
; to dispose of it when you're done (by setting variables to None)
InputEnableLayer Function Create() Native Global



​; Re-enables all controls currently disabled on this layer
Function Reset() Native


I'm assuming that the first thing I found might have something to do with the error (because it says global), but I'm not sure. I'm wondering if the second thing I found might be a good alternative to enabling the controls.


@vTemporalZEROv So far I haven't found anything in the scripts and I haven't found any other scripts that might have alternative names like startsequence or something like that. I also haven't found any controls disabling scripts on the markers. (I double checked the markers throughout the whole house, surrounding area around the house, inside the vault, and right outside the vault for any controls disabling scripts I should delete to enable the controls)

Edited by Herald777
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Out of curiosity does it matter if I'm testing these scripts on my Xbox One. (Since my computer isn't powerful enough to play the game well enough past the main menu) I'm asking because I just found out that debug scripts and possibly other types of scripts don't work on consoles.

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