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Weapon Workbench Through Pip-Boy

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So, here's a brain buster for anyone brave enough to give this a crack.

I'm interested in finding a way to do weapon workbench modding right from the Pip-Boy. The player opens up the Pip-Boy, scrolls to the aid or misc tab, and clicks an object that takes them to the same menu you get when you activate a workbench.


So I see creating an aid item or a holotape that takes you straight to the workbench menu. But these benches are furniture objects, and the CK doesn't have a lot of flexibility there.

The straightforward answer is to make the item cause the event that occurs after you hit 'E' to start up the smithing. Is this a script or fragment to be found in scripts/source/base that can be added to an aid item with an onActivate or onUse event to start it off? I tried to find something to work with but I don't know exactly what to look for.


Any other ways to make this work?

Thanks, I appreciate any help.

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