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Someone PLEASE make a Shrek mod for FO4


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Hey guys,


I don't usually go on the forums mostly because the only reason I have an account on Nexus is to install mods and use the NMM (Which is Boss asf btw good job guys). Now I no I'm not the only one who prays to Shrek every night, thinking him for the life I've been given, but I'm somewhat surprised someone hasn't made a Shrek mod yet. Modding videogames, albeit something I find very interesting, isn't exactly my forte. I was wondering if someone could give the supermutants Shrek sounds? Kinda like the Macho Man Randy Savage mod of FO3 (Check it out). I wouldn't want to mess with the models but the sounds would make it so funny. It would be awesome if someone went out of they're way to make something like this.

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