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need help with onactivate (it doesn't seem to trigger)

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EDIT: problem solved. I never realized you need to modify your .INI files for geck mods as well.



okay, I'm trying to build a mod that allows me to have an object i can use to summon a BOS vertibird for travelling, initially I'm going for a fixed activator at the boston airport (since it's most silly to have to throw a signal flare there).


now, I've tried a few times with differing events (have the activator call the vertibird script directly, have the activator spawn a vertibird smoke grenade projectile). but adding debug window/messaging to the script to find out where it doesn't work makes me think that the very event onactivate isn't triggering.


currently my script looks like this:

Scriptname MODVertibirdBeaconScript extends ObjectReference
message Property VFTInProgressMessage Auto Const
Quest Property VFT Auto Const
Projectile Property BoSVertibirdGrenadeProjectile auto const
event onactivate(objectreference akActionRef)
Debug.notification("Activated by " + akActionRef)
I've assigned the script to the activator in question and filled in the properties appropriately, also tried different activators (tried evelevator buttons, tried radio towers), but I don't even get the debug notification, no windows, tried adding stack traces. in other words. I'm stuck. nothing in the papyrus resources seems to tell me what's going or on going wrong here, but I can press activate on the object in question and it just won't work.
Edited by carcharhinidea
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I think is better if you just do it with a potion and add it an effect so you can use OnEffectStart in the effect of the potion, it will run inmediately, then instead of place the Grenade projectile just call to the SMEventNode and handle how to start VFT quest, read BOSVertibirdSmokeGrenadescript to see how you can do so.

Edited by KataPUMB
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well. slightly like that one? what I wanted was a way to have only a fixed structure doing this. just being able to summon them anywhere from a radio dampens the enjoyment i'd get from them a bit.


it's not just getting this to work though. also trying to figure out the scripting more. I did some scripting in skyrim and new vegas, probably going to be doing some in fallout 4, I'm mostly just wondering why the hell it's not working.

Edited by carcharhinidea
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The way i have been doing activators is as follows:


pick an existing activator and duplicate it give it a recognisable name.

place your new activator where you want it

click on the little cube with a T in it at the top of the CK

in the screen that pops up select your activator.

it should now place a see tough reddish cube on it double click on that and under the primitive tab mark the box marked with player activation(or something similar). under the script tab make sure your script is there and the properties are filled.

Now it should trigger.

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