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It started when I tried leaving the bandit mine near Riverwood. The back exit (the crack, not the door) would freeze up my game. I gave up trying and left the other way without any issues. Then I got back to Riverwood and I can't enter the Riverwood Trader without it freezing.

The only thing I did inside the mine was change some mod configurations and increase my brightness, which I sincerely doubt is affecting this issue.

I turned off autosaves and still had the same problem. My save files aren't bloated and are still relatively low in their size. I've done the whole shutdown-rest-startup to my PC. I don't really get what's happening here.

(Also, if you notice anything that could help me improve my performance, that would be appreciated.)

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<The back exit (the crack, not the door) would freeze up my game.>

Is that a problem you can reproduce systematically ? If so, untick all your mods from launcher / mod manager and test in game. Then increase your loading mods till you find the conflicting mod.

Concerning your skyrim.ini [Papyrus] section, here is a topic that may interrest you.

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You probably screw up something while you did those "mod configurations". Check those "mod configurations" out and make sure nothing is out of place.


can you confirm if you can enter riverwood trader or leaving that bandit mine in a new game?

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Ok, after using the save script cleaner, my game worked just fine.


I should also thank the gods that I was forced to prowl through TES5Edit again, because I found a lot of conflicts that resulted in mod changes being ignored.


Sucks I can't listen to birdsong anymore, but at least my game should be stable now. Thank you!

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You're welcome.


<I found a lot of conflicts that resulted in mod changes being ignored.>


Create a bashed patch and a merged parch as explained above :wink:


Yeah, that's the thing, my load order resulted in important changes from SkyRe and such to be overwritten, leading to the merged patch ignoring most of its changes. Clothing and clutter fixes was the biggest culprit in this, but I fixed whatever I could find.

Edited by 0rigamiPhoenix
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