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Skyrim 1.2 patch for PC


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NOOOOO a patch! I like those people sitting in the air, i don't want to fix it :laugh:


It's all a matter of taste. I like the book floating in the air north of Winterhold. A bit less the fact that if you buy something at Riverwood Traders and then reload from a saved game, there is a good chance that Valerius' gold is reset to a random amount, usually 0 or another low number.

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This Game is so messed up that im seeing 6 Clones of the same guy from the White Run Stable and im actually Re-doing Old Quests without knowing it since i realized im doing the Nightingale Quest Again.


When with the New Patch come, since i dont even know what im doing anymore, im even re-klling the Same People for the Night Mother.


sounds like someone has been tinkering with the console too much, that or any mods you might have installed have changed things in-game.

I never touched the Console, it doesent even work for me, the Game itself is Broken.


Im doing the Bothia Quest and i Killed everyone, yet all she says is Ugh human flesh is so distasteful and i even killed my Companion, but nothing happens.

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Im doing the Bothia Quest and i Killed everyone, yet all she says is Ugh human flesh is so distasteful and i even killed my Companion, but nothing happens.


sounds like you missed an important detail about that quest. there are plenty of people out there that aren't having the problems you are so I wouldn't be so rash as to declare that the game is broken. You might be experiencing a few rare bugs that only come about under a certain set of conditions. I didn't have the slightest problem with the Boethia quest.

Edited by shadow_scale9180
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This Game is so messed up that im seeing 6 Clones of the same guy from the White Run Stable


sounds like someone has been tinkering with the console too much, that or any mods you might have installed have changed things in-game.


That's the "Promises to Keep" quest glitch.

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