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MojaveMike - BANNED

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MojaveMike banned.


Trolling in upload thread. Nobody cares about your pony hate. Quite frankly, the haters are more annoying than anything. Live and let live, go find another site to rant on.


Ban asked for and granted.

What is the point in commenting on things just to say how much you hate it and that you're not even downloading it? Not only is it against the Terms of Service, but it is illogical. In the time it takes one to click on a mod's link, click on comments, and post a comment, one could have found at least 5 mods that they are genuinely interested in.


Downloaded this, the vanilla billboards in NV are boring imo, even the vanilla F3 billboards are better.

You've been shielded by the Nexus's "Hugbox Mentality." This whole thing about "HURRRR IF U DONT LIEK IT DONT DOWNLOAD IT" is utter bullcrap. People can't take taking ANY form of criticism here. Half of those God Weapon/Cheat items mod always have "FIRST MOD DON'T BE TOO HARSH" written in the description. What's even more terrible is when people make mods that have content that could offend anybody (ie, SS Uniform mods), and people want to express their distaste towards the mod, the mods will great you with the usual NO TROLLING message, even though having a negative opinion=/=trolling. As well, people here get offended too easily. The creator of the Willow mod sent me a huge Wall of Text telling me why my opinion is retarded and I'm apparently just a No Life troll. I know I might get in trouble for this, but it would just prove my point even more.


Anyways, on the topic of My Little Furries, it's possibly the closest thing to actual Internet Cancer: It keeps spreading, it doesn't have any positive affects on anything, and most treatments for it are experimental at this point.


How exactly can you relate trolling Nazi mods with MLP mods is just plain beyond me. There is a difference between constructive criticism, trolling, and just ranting mindlessly. Mod authors should only have to read the first kind. Ranting like you did just distracts from the thread and is excess crap that other users have to skip through to find something they actually care about.


To put it simply, Wrong place, wrong time, wrong tone, wrong message.

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