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One handed Warriors...left hand: Magic or Block?


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I've been using 1h and spell for offhand ,never used a shield yet but I'd be a lot more willing to use it if I could have a weapon,spell,armour set I could favourite as a set.What I'd ideally like is to be able to middle mouse a full equipment swap,either click middle mouse to swap or scroll wheel up/down..

I find the radial menu in fights both unfriendly and totally breaks any feeling of immersion and I just downright dislike it......never thought I'd find myself hankering after the vanilla Oblivion UI :(

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How about Magic for conjuration pets? It will focus the enemies attention away from you so you can close in on them easier. And also avoid getting hit. And the pets aren't just meat shields either, they do damage.


You can put them on favorite, summon them then switch back to sword and board/dual sword if you want. If you got a room full of 3+ mages, you might want to summon a pet in the room to get the initial aggro.


I leveled conjuration from 20-100 in about 10 minutes after enchanting some gear that let me cast it for free. Find a bandit and spam soul trap on it. and watch the levels go up really fast.

Edited by Beriallord
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