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I used to belong to a gaming community WAY back when, (3 years xD) It was a tonne of fun, we did lots of stuff etc, but eventually it met it's end... Now most of us after that stuck together and we play games with each other all the time still...but recently things have started to get lonely, more and more people are starting to leave and concentrate on their studies and basically it had boiled down to just me and a couple of other people.


So, in a nutshell I'm a lone wolf gamer, just looking to be apart of a community that i can bolster my friends list with :P!


I hope you enjoy having me here :thumbsup:



EDIT: Btw, I'm going on holiday for two weeks as of 27th December -- so I haven't disappeared

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If you're looking for a gaming community, you'd better look elsewhere; this is a forum for KUK, Knitters of the United Kingdom...even though most of us are from the USA...

I guess, though, most people here do play Oblivion once in awhile...so it's not so bad, I guess. Anyways, welcome. Have fun!

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