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Combat Overhaul Mod


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My Idea for a combat overhaul would take aspects from the combat from the 3D Legend of Zelda games as well as others.


1. Enemies could be targeted (very minimalistic identification like maybe the focused enemy is a little more color saturated than the others or unfocused enemies are in a slight bit of shadow)

2. Player movements could be then made to relate to the position of the target (your character always faces the target,circle strafing and so on)

3. "Tab like" target switching between enemies

4. If multiple enemies are in range they would still get hit by swings in melee and AOE damage from spells

5. Off screen identification of impending power attacks (still not sure about this one)

6. If you sprint towards an enemy who is targeted you get a sort of zoomed in camera shake effect (sort of like the Gears of War crouch sprint)

7. In stealth this would work well too cause you can constantly be aware of where the enemy is and use cover more effectively.

8 Distance could play a role in how the movements work:

Far away- only the camera focuses on the target,

Mid range - the characters head faces the target,

Close range- the whole body faces the target and turning is replaced by strafing


Well that all I can think of for now. Please let me know if this is even possible and feel free to add more or critique my list.


Thanks in advance

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