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Follower Attacking Me!


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My super cute hubby, Vilkas, wouldn't attack me when I turned into a werewolf. I transform with him following me as my companion, then I suddenly get a 1000g bounty and he begins to smash my face with his sword. This happens every so often, and loading up a previous save doesn't ensure the glitch is fixed.


Is there a console command to reset his disposition so I can do no wrong in front of him, or some other way to fix this?


Thanks for reading!

Edited by Kallisto07
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My super cute hubby, Vilkas, wouldn't attack me when I turned into a werewolf. I transform with him following me as my companion, then I suddenly get a 1000g bounty and he begins to smash my face with his sword. This happens every so often, and loading up a previous save doesn't ensure the glitch is fixed.


Is there a console command to reset his disposition so I can do no wrong in front of him, or some other way to fix this?


Thanks for reading!





Taken from http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_%28Skyrim%29


"Addtofaction 0005A1​A4 1 adds an NPC to the player ally faction, which will make a normally hostile NPC no longer hostile towards the player."



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