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The Night Stalker


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  1. 1. Which vampire would you rather be?

    • I want to be the night stalker!
    • I want to be the gluttonous beast!
    • Both sound good to me. Just let me drink blood and stuff.

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That didn't fit well when we did it Morrowind (and maybe Oblivion, I dunno) because it chugged framerate (though time have changed.)


Still, if you haven't read eyk003's original post (and I hope I'm not interpreting this wrong) is that his goal is to keep vampires as close to what the developers intended as possible (Gluttonous Beast being the exception.)

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i am just teasing but still trying to com up whit helpfull ideas and so it comes to my knowlege of vampires (it is fayrly basic) and then even if some of the ideas aint directly linced to the tamrilic vampires those ideas can still be the hatching ground for a better idea that will pass in so i am just writing some ideas that will go whit vams in general and then lett you people take it from there.
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That didn't fit well when we did it Morrowind (and maybe Oblivion, I dunno) because it chugged framerate (though time have changed.)


Still, if you haven't read eyk003's original post (and I hope I'm not interpreting this wrong) is that his goal is to keep vampires as close to what the developers intended as possible (Gluttonous Beast being the exception.)


I remember that mod for Oblivion, where you could change to bat, wolf, or mist (actually there were a couple mods that did this, but so many of the vampirism mods for Oblivion were directly related to each other it's hard to tell who made what). The mod also added a fantastic sequence where you had an actual dream as you turned into a vampire.


I did enjoy bat/wolf/mist transformations, at least the idea behind it. I remember I didn't have too much of an FPS hit from these transformations, either. But while playing I got the distinct impression that these were added mechanics that didn't belong in Cyrodil, and that's something I want to avoid if at all possible.


i am just teasing but still trying to com up whit helpfull ideas and so it comes to my knowlege of vampires (it is fayrly basic) and then even if some of the ideas aint directly linced to the tamrilic vampires those ideas can still be the hatching ground for a better idea that will pass in so i am just writing some ideas that will go whit vams in general and then lett you people take it from there.


Of course I appreciate it :] not all ideas are helpful, but since there's no way to tell in advance, I think in general any idea is worth expressing at least once. Also, there's no reason suggestions made on this thread won't inspire a different mod, such as the gluttonous beast variant--if I didn't get some very passionate requests for reversing the feeding mechanic, I wouldn't have been compelled to think of the idea in the first place.


And yes to your earlier post--I don't want to be overly ambitious from the very start. I also want to avoid burdening myself with the pressures of having promised too much from the beginning.


So here's a general issue I'm trying to work out.


Let's say a vampire player likes to use conjuration, and is able to summon at least 1 creature to fight for him. Then he has a companion, so make that already means 2, Then let's say he uses vampire's servant and vampiric seduction within a short period of time.


That's 4 things following the player at once, 5 if the player hits conjuration 100.


Do you guys see any problems with this? Is it too many to make an impact, or overpowered? FPS concerns? Does this punish/reward conjuration oriented vampires unfairly?


Discuss! & Happy Thanksgiving.



Edited by eyk003
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So here's a general issue I'm trying to work out.


Let's say a vampire player likes to use conjuration, and is able to summon at least 1 creature to fight for him. Then he has a companion, so make that already means 2, Then let's say he uses vampire's servant and vampiric seduction within a short period of time.


That's 4 things following the player at once, 5 if the player hits conjuration 100.


Do you guys see any problems with this? Is it too many to make an impact, or overpowered? FPS concerns? Does this punish/reward conjuration oriented vampires unfairly?


Discuss! & Happy Thanksgiving.[/color]




Question: Are these companions ones like Lydia? If so, I doubt they'd be comfortable hanging out with a Vampire, even if they are sworn House Carls. Theoretically, companions could be excluded from the equation or made burdensome by some other factor (aka: witnesses to increase Vampire Infamy.) That would make the player consider whether they're worth befriending or not.


Another solution, one I'm sure you've considered, is acknowledging Vampire's Servant as a Conjuration summon thus eliminating a potential summon. Now, you can view this punishing players who invest in Conjuration or make Vampire's Servant scale to compensate. Personally, I don't like this option but I'm unable to think of a more creative solution.


Hope this has helped.

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I like the ideas you have to improve the vampire experience in Skyrim. I am especially interested in restoration not healing, infamy and the hunters.


I've been a vampire for about 40 game days and the difficulty is mostly self imposed in roleplaying. Some npc's in particular were disappointing like Stendarr's followers who hunt daedra, vampires and werewolves. I would have thought at third stage vampirisim they might have been a bit suspicious.

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I've just had an epic idea for this mod.


Have you ever watched the movie Daybreakers? If you have, then you'll know that when the vampires are starved they turn into "Sub-siders". If the werewolf transformation works, then you could make it that when they starve themselves too long they will turn into these horrible beasts until they feed, but if they wait this long it will be extremely difficult to feed because:


  • Whilst you do lots of damage, you can't take lots. One hit of a guard and you might die.
  • To feed means you must kill him and then spend at least 3-5 seconds feeding on the body. It will then take two to three nights to transform back to normal.


I think this would be a pretty epic addition to this mod.

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An idea for the gluttonous beast, if you feed a lot, your character's model should change slightly. The gluttonous beast should grow slightly taller and fatter in the stomach when they overfeed, while also being more muscular, a long with bonuses to health, stamina, etc. And it should thin a bit when they do not feed at all. This simulates becoming, well gluttonous, while not feeding makes them seem weaker. I like seeing a real change on a character itself in-game, and I think this could work very well.
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I've just had an epic idea for this mod.


Have you ever watched the movie Daybreakers? If you have, then you'll know that when the vampires are starved they turn into "Sub-siders". If the werewolf transformation works, then you could make it that when they starve themselves too long they will turn into these horrible beasts until they feed, but if they wait this long it will be extremely difficult to feed because:


  • Whilst you do lots of damage, you can't take lots. One hit of a guard and you might die.
  • To feed means you must kill him and then spend at least 3-5 seconds feeding on the body. It will then take two to three nights to transform back to normal.


I think this would be a pretty epic addition to this mod.


I really -really- think this is a good idea.

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Wow, this sounds really cool. If you are as enthusiastic about modding this as you were while writing that post, I have no doubt this will be really cool.


One thing that I don't think you mentioned (I didn't read it all) is whether the vampire hunters are named that, "Vampire Hunter", or if they'll have proper (randomly generated according to race) names. So which will it be? It would be rather lame if they didn't blend in properly by being marked as vampire hunters. :P

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