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Ancient Shrouded Cowl ~ Doesn't Appear!!!


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When equipping the Ancient Shrouded Cowl, it won't appear on my Khajit character.


Please help meh :(


I can actually equip the Ancient Shrouded Cowl, then a Shrouded Cowl, and the Ancient one does not remove itself, the other way around though, and the shrouded cowl does. (yay for 55%+ Bow damage?)


It seems as though the Ancient Shrouded Cowl doesn't have a model assigned (or something) to the character model.


Anyone have a fix?


~My "Shrouded Cowl" and "Shrouded Cowl Maskless" appaer to both be the same, as well. (Male Khajit)

~Shrouded Cowl (Also with mask) does not appear on character. This seems to be an issue with the Masked version of the Dark Brotherhood Shrouded armor cowl. (Male Khajit)

~Switched to a nord, and now all 4 versions of the shrouded cowl are maskless, but they all appear. (Male Nord)

Seeking a fix to make the masked version appear correctly...i hate the maskless version

~Female Nord is able to wear a masked version of the Shrouded Cowl.

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