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Hi all new guy here , so far I am loving Skyrim its been the first game in a long time that has caused me the loss of time factor , You know it when you feel it :) you look up & see its 3am . Now for my request we I don't hate the ineterface I dislike it , I know its real;y make for consoles in mind but here is what I would like to see


1: A buff timer on screen - If I cast Muffle on myself that last 300 seconds how do I tell how long its got before it wear off , or know what blessing I currently have on or If I am poisoned & what type

2: when you TAB to open the character panels like selling to a shop why is the buttons start half way down the screen?

3: ability to have some of the HUD displays on screen all the time , like health magicka & stamina ..

3: ability to pick &up & move items you drop , like in you house I dropped a plate & now it on the ground & I want to put it back on the shelf without having to try 100 time to drop it just in the right spot ..

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