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does GOTY need an update to run OBSE ??


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I'm getting my first laptop in a few days, and I'll be buying Oblivion: GOTY edition to go along with it. So this is my objective: Install Deadly Reflexes v4.03

In order to do that, I need to get OBSE.

And to get OBSE, it (http://obse.silverlock.org/) recommends that I update to the build.

Does the GOTY edition need this update to run OBSE (and consequently, Deadly Reflexes v4.03)?


Not only have I never installed a mod before, but I just switched from Mac! Help me! :thanks:

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After you install the game you will be able to see what version (build) you have. If you have an earlier version than what is recommended, then yes, you will have to update. As far as installing your first mods, do not worry, there are "how-to" threads all over the Nexus (proud to say I made one myself), and there is no shortage of people willing to help you.


Welcome to PC gaming and welcome to the Nexus forums.

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