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Get Wet!


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Just would love a little mod to add maybe some driping water from your charicter when you walk into dep enough water, or maybe make gear darker.. I'm sure I saw something like this for oblivion.. Allways feels wierd when I swim and

my charicter is just as dry as before.


Oooo also on a little side note, I'd allso love to see a mod that adds more hair colors and maybe skin colors... I'd realy love to be a blue khajiit

Edited by nightowl79a
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Bumping this, as there seem to have been a few requests for this very thing but all in different posts. It's definitely weird to be standing in the middle of a downpour or to hop out of a lake, only to see you and the people around you bone dry. For everything most video games do great, this seems to be one area in the realism realm they never get right.
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