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Talent: Voice Over

Skill level: High

Contact method: PM or [email protected]

additional infomation:


Able to adapt to any accent needed. Extreme vocal range. Singer. Ability to color voice with a large palette. Can do both humanoid and monster vocalizations. Perfectionist.

Experience:3 years of actor's training ,10 Years of singing experience, 24 years of being weird. Have professional recording equipment and audio engineering experience.

Demo: Will form one for you specific to your needs. Contact me for more info!

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Talent: Sound Creation / Sound Design

Skill level: Mid

Contact method: PM is fine

additional infomation: I'm at Uni doing audio and music tech, I spend my time generating, making, re-producing, experimenting with sounds, I like sound design for video games and the best bit is making original sounds, I reckon I could make some cool stuff for Skyrim.




I have a show-reel piece up, with more to come, All the sounds are mine, the music is a track and something i chose but did not create. Vimeo wont play sounds because of licensing mumbo-jumbo but you can still hear it on the site if that top link doesnt work. http://vimeo.com/33151059

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Interesting thread. I will have limited time, but:


Scripting: Mid-High (proficient with TESScript but we'll see for Skyrim's). C++/Java is fine but don't expect me to do lambda calculus.

Texturing/Skinning/Rigging: Low

Animation: None (lol)


Contact: PM

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I didn't know this thread existed until now. And since I'm out of ideas right now I'll add myself to the list:


3D Moddeling: low


Here are some examples of my work:
















And these:

Floppy Disc - Modders Resource

Weapons - Modders Resource

Battle Axe - Modders Resource

Ban Hammer - Modders Resource

Heavy Battle Axe - Modders Resource


M18 Claymore - Frag Mine Replacer

Stielhandgranate - Modders Resource

Diamonds - Modders Resource

Calipers - Modders Resource

Mosin Nagant Rifles

Scimitar - Modders Resource

Spear - Modders Resource

Mastercard - Modders Resource


And there's plenty more that never got published.


Texturing: Low


Cell creation: mid


Abandoned Gun Shop - Player Home

Modder Mall - Reborn


Contact method: PM


Availability: Always available

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Talent: Scripting

Skill: good. I encourage you to take a look at my work and judge for yourself, as that's a better indication.

Languages: Gamebryo (Oblivion), Java, C++, C#, others.


Dynamic Leveled Lists - Complex setup that improves on and allows user control of the Oblivion spawning system

Has a lot of probability theory, Gamebryo coding, Java coding and GUI design, binary file processing, and tricking Oblivion into doing what I want.

Automatic Patrols - Script that puts its owner on an automatically generated patrol route around the area. Absorbed into DLL.




Talent: Texturing

Skill: good. I've done a lot of Photoshopping, but most of it is off of the nexus.


An old graphic design resume of mine. Don't use the email listed there as it's offline)

High Resolution Loading Screens - Created a high resolution "wrapper" and overlay for other load screen mods.

Vectorized Djangos Tattoos - Vectorized a tattoo mod I loved to make the designs crisper.



Talent: Audio

Skill: decent mixing/editing.


Ambient Wasteland - A simple but powerful injection of tons of ambient noises into the FO3 world

Band work under the name Afterimage. We recorded/mixed our own stuff, so I have a lot of experience editing sound (wasn't the song writer, though). Quit in 2009 to pursue Computer Science. *pushes up glasses*



Contact through my email: [email protected]

or PM me

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Talent: Modelling

Skill level: Mid

Contact method: deflex1[at]hotmail[dot]com

additional information: I can make all kinds of props/items. Organic modelling is not great. Proof of work comming up soon.

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Talent: Storytelling & Cell Creation

skill level: high


Talent: Scripting

skill level: Low/med

I seldom write my own scripts from scratch, my interest in scripting is not high, but i have found that scripting is an necessity for many mods to work or to be better than without, instead of asking for help with everything regarding scripting i reverse engineer excisting scripts and make them fit my purpose, so in other words, i do not fully understand the language, but i have no problems with seeing the logic in scripting and use it as i see fit (many of my successful attempts have gone through a long process of trial and error)

Talent: Modeling

skill level: low


I know my way around blender and maya, i know 3ds max a little, i used it just because of the "somuchmorpher" plugin that was supposed to ease up the whole vertex morphing process we undergo in order to get our armors to fit the skinny -> big slider ingame, but my lack of knowledge in 3ds max fubared the model completely so i kinda stuck to manually moving verts in blender after that. Anyways, blender is the main program i work with for the time beeing, maya is the one i really want to work in(mostly because i got the power of everything just by holding the space button) , but the plugins are in a early state. I have created few models from scratch, mostly i modify excisting models and so on, however i sometimes heavily modify them up to a point where i have to make a completely new UV.


Talent: Texturing

skill level: Med


Im also new to this area, but i have been using photoshop since version 7. mostly in school projects and simple modifications and improvements of pictures, but my experience in photoshop did ease the learning process on texturing, i have made a few from scratch here using stock photos. I know how to make a functional normal map, specualr map and of course a diffuse map. If there is anything else i need to learn, i got google...my infinite fountain of knowledge.



contact info: contact me on this forum

Additional information:

I have not really been modding since morrowind, i did quite a lot of cell creation. i would show my work, but the computer that got all those mods is long gone.

Im also a writer, i have been writing songs, poems and small stories, when i got good ideas i write them down.

I have since the start of this post learned a lot more about the CK and modeling, unfortunatly i have been bad at updating or sharing my projects, most of my projects stay at my computer for my own purposes or are just shared with some friends who ask for my mods personally. However i do have a big project going on that i plan to share.




Drelas home - An additional playerhouse

Abandoned Shack - An additional playerhouse

Hjerim Bloodmess cleanup fix



Dovahaar - The robes of the Dragon Servants

Immersive Content (adds a lot of small content to skyrim that are supposed to make you feel more immersed)

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