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not sure how though. btw whats a MOI ?


Think they mean "moi" which is French for "me."


Yes, sorry, I have that silly habit of sometimes inadvertently putting foreign words into my sentences :psyduck:


Personally, I think the first post is legible and quite simple in use. What it needs the most is still this stickyness. After that's done, it should be fine. I believe people can scroll down (but you may want to put a list of lists on the very top, so they knew if they can find here what they're looking for ^^).

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Top Posters In This Topic

Talent: Voice Over/Voice Acting


Skill level: Mid


Contact method:


[email protected] for email.

Alex4921 on Steam


Additional information:

- Samples of me doing skyrim related stuff:

- Doors Of Oblivion skyrim Conjuration skillbook

- Liminal Bridges skyrim Conjuration skillbook(Exceedingly complex words,no rehearsal so some words could be a bit jumbled)

- 3-4 Samples of the Dragon Language


I can do quite a nice posh British accent on request,all my other accents are absolutely horrible.

Am quite talented at drama and can use quite dramatic voices upon request however the timetable for getting these done is variable due to the fact i cant exactly sound all dramatic into my microphone without my parents shouting upstairs asking me what the devil is going on so I have to do non standard speaking voices when they are out(Yeah,go laugh)

Also at Christmas I shall receive an exceedingly(£50+) high quality microphone so what you hear now in comparison is a cheap attached mic on a £10 headset

Edited by Alex4921
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Talent: Storytelling (Quest/Dialog + Writing); Voice Acting (Obivously I have my own strengths and weaknesses.)

Skill level: Really depends on what your asking for, but for most stuff involving writing I would say high. As for VA I would say I would probably be a medium depending on what I'm being asked to do.

Contact method: Email:[email protected]

additional infomation:

An example of a short quest I came up with should be attached...

Edited by Faust327
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I just stumbled on this thread and figured i'd get my info in here. I've never modded before but I really want to score a job at Bethesda so I figure I'll get my hands dirty.


Talent: Modeling

Skill level: Mid-High

Software: 3dsmax, Sculptris, Zbrush

This is my best skill. If you have a concept I can model it to match and be as lean as possible on polys.


Talent: Animation

Skill Level: Low-Mid

Aditional Info: I use 3dsmax(Character Studio) and I desperately want to learn more here. I'm good at rigging but want to dive into anmiation more. I just started setting up a Motion Capture rig with my kinect as well.


Talent: Texturing

Skill Level: Mid

Additional Info: I use Photoshop and Illustrator. Not my strongest skill but I can get the job done.


Talent: Scripting

Skill Level: Low

Additional Info: I can do basic scripting in vbscript/batch/actionscript and wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty here.


See my portfolio for examples of my work: www.gosmallorgohome.net


Contact method: PM

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I wish to be part in storytelling, to give to that game a better choice between evil, good and just opportunism.


Talent: Story telling (quest dialog - writing)

Skill lev: Mid-High

Add info: (great experience, I started working on Neverwinter Nights 1 creating expansion mods with stories from scratch)

I wish to give the ppl the opportunity to choice more and be affected by consequences. Feel more being in a story that take a sense.

Contact: [email protected]

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I found this topic and have been thinking that it would be nice to do something...


Talent: storytelling

Skill level: anything between low-high, no experience on mods but I'm good writer.

Contact: e-mail

Additional info: I haven't done anything mod based or such, but I know I'm good writer and so could do something. Might also try something with CK when it comes. Almost any kind job that I could do without using (much) computer is fine. It would be great to be part in bigger kind of mod with lot of quests and outcomes :)

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