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Walking on thin ice


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I think it would be neat to have thin sheets of ice that would start to crack as the player tries to walk across, forcing them to madly dash to solid ground before it breaks and ideally re-freezes above them - at which point they'd have to hack their way back to the surface before drowning. Every time I cross a body of water in the game I think "what a cool/evil trap that would be"! It'd be even better if combined with some kind of temperature mod idea that I've seen mentioned here - taking ongoing damage from the freezing water or something. You'd have to somehow figure out a way to allow the player to draw their weapon underwater, though even just having ice anywhere as a smash-able obstacle would be neat. The game already has the player cutting through spiderwebs, so I imagine someone who knows how to actually do this stuff could create an ice mod that works on that same principle?


And while we're talking about ice - what about creating floating icebergs that actually move slowly through the water? That'd be some neato immersion right there. Dunno, just thought I would toss those ideas out there. What do you guys think? Possible? Worth even attempting? Shut up, you're an idiot?

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