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Huge Project Idea - Mod Organizer Extension for picking Textures/Meshes


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This is just a rough idea for a utility that users could launch from Mod Organizer.


The utility would read every mod activated in the left panel that adds meshes/textures, and create an interface with a built-in dds and nif reader that allows the user to easily preview each conflicting mesh or texture and select their preference. The utility would then ideally set all unselected meshes and textures to "hidden", or create a new mod that includes all of the meshes and textures (not ideal because this could take up an additional 50GB+ of harddrive space and would take a long time to create).


I know there is already the option of doing this manually through Mod Organizer's 'conflicts' tab and continually opening and closing a dds viewer for each texture, but a user-friendly GUI would definitely streamline the process.

Edited by battlecarrier
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