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Kicked or banned from chat?


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Yesterday afternoon I was on the forums chat.


It was really only my third or so time getting on there, and the first time that wasn't late at night. So I guess this was a different crowd with a different atmosphere.


I was on chatting with people about mods, cool things in the game, or how to fix problems with the game. I asked and answered a few questions. I was hardly disturbing anyone or anything.


Someone brought up religion of some type, in a completely innocent way. He was immediately told to change the subject. Shortly after than another person substituted the letter " f " for what everyone knew to be profanity, he was kicked. Not long after that someone mentioned problems with buying a house in Skyrim. I was having problems with that myself, and asked what he was referring to. I then was told to not talk about it because it was a spoiler.


Honestly I was a little shocked. So I something along the lines of " This place seems a little uptight today" or " I think this place is kinda uptight today" I do not remember the exact words, but that is very close. I'll admit there may have been a better way to say that. I was just a little shocked from the change in the easy going laid back mood the chat is at night to the pretty strict way it is during the day.


After saying the line about the chat being uptight I was immediately kicked off of chat. Its been over 24 hours and I still can't get on. Does that mean I am banned? if not how long will it be until I can get back on?

Also, I read the terms of service, and I can't see where I did anything against them. Should I have been kicked/banned for that comment?

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Just so you are aware, you may discuss spoilers in the chat room via the Private Chat. If you're unsure how to take a chat conversation private in the chat room, just ask.


However, the cardinal rule is not to argue with a moderator in the public chat. You may ask the moderator or staff member for clarification privately via the Private Chat.

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