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How Do You Open Skyrim .DDS Files?

David Brasher

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I have retextured a lot of things in Oblivion, but my software isn't working on Skyrim. GIMP with the .DDS plug-In is not working for me. I get error messages and the Skyrim .DDS files won't open.


I see that a lot of people are uploading mods where they retextured things. How did they open the .DDS files?

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  • 2 months later...
What version of Gimp are u using .. I have had no trouble with 2.6 opening and making changes to skyrim textures. Also as stated irfanview is great for looking at them quickly ... might also get Paint.net (a free program, use this at time to save and do some cleanup for some textures that do not conform to the gimp setup for x and y. Again gimp 2.6 works fine so ck version and good mod'n.
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  • 1 year later...

i also got the same thing, but i finally fixed it.


Try this address:




download it using 7zip or something like that. Then copy the files to: C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins


Then you should be good. Just open GIMP and have fun :biggrin:

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I used dxtbmp before I got the Nvidia tools to work properly with photoshop, I still use it for some simple things. It opens the dds no problem, then it splits the file into two bmp's, one for the texture and one for the alpha channel. You edit them individually (opening them through GIMP, Paint or anything you set it to) and then save when done.

It's a little buggy with body textures though, it doesn't seem to save the alpha channel correctly resulting in a sort of shine, but for everything else it works quite well. Sorry I can't recommend anything simpler, but I use photoshop.

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