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Small Enchanting Edit


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Wondering if anyone can make a small overhaul. Not sure how difficult this would be but I thought I'd see if anyone bites.


Two things this mod should do:

Allow disenchanting at an enchanting table


Balance the learn enchantment feature


I'd like to be able to disenchant items (quest items and the like also!) without getting the two disenchanting mods I've found on the nexus. Both require you to go to obscure locations to find dwarven boxes or whatever. It'd be nicer if it was part of the enchanting menu/part of each and every enchanting table.


A good way to balance the enchanting learn feature would be to destroy the item like normal until you've used it enough. After a certain point (like getting hit 500 times while wearing an armor, or attacking 1500 times with a weapon) you have "learned" the enchantment. To use it on something else, you have to find an enchanting table, learn the enchantment, and then the item would become disenchanted instead of becoming destroyed. Kinda complicated I know. It'd be neat if this worked on quest items also.


I'm not sure how difficult this would be but I thought I'd throw it out there. Thought of it while at work.

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