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Torn between Grey Beards and The Blades...is there a way to make both


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I'm torn between the Greybeards, and the Blades. The Greybeards, master Paarthurnax, a dragon from the first war is wanted by the blades for crimes commited then. The Blades want me to kill him, and they won't help me if I don't do it. If I do, the Greybeards won't help me...I would like some way around this, either with console commands, or if I can simply spawn a copy of the dragon and complete the blades side of this quest and not hinder my relations with the Greybeards.
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Kill the dragon, then stop the stalemate by leading one side or the other to victory so you no longer need the greybeards to broker piece to continue the main quest. Or atleast that's my plan. Or just kill the dragon afterward.



That's what they deserve for sitting on their hands the whole time and making one of their lower initiates greet me when I came up.

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Total, gaping, everything destroying, SPOILERS ahead! But this is the spoiler forum, so you're here on your own, proceed with caution!



I'm not quite sure why they give you that choice anyways, or my game got funny, but:


1. Peace negotiation takes place.

2. After peace negotiation, blades ask you to kill dragon or no cooperation

(I went to the dragon and asked him what he thought about it, I said I'm not sure what to do, he said not doing anything is often the best solution, that's what I did)

3. Imprison dragon in whiterun

4. Ride dragon to teleport temple shrine thingy

5. Go to afterworld and kill Alduin

6. finished?


So, in which part after step 2 would you need the help of either the blades or the old guys?

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Total, gaping, everything destroying, SPOILERS ahead! But this is the spoiler forum, so you're here on your own, proceed with caution!



I'm not quite sure why they give you that choice anyways, or my game got funny, but:


1. Peace negotiation takes place.

2. After peace negotiation, blades ask you to kill dragon or no cooperation

(I went to the dragon and asked him what he thought about it, I said I'm not sure what to do, he said not doing anything is often the best solution, that's what I did)

3. Imprison dragon in whiterun

4. Ride dragon to teleport temple shrine thingy

5. Go to afterworld and kill Alduin

6. finished?


So, in which part after step 2 would you need the help of either the blades or the old guys?

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Greybeards help me find Words of Power, and the Blades help me find Dragons to kill...I killed Paarthurnax, even though I didn't want to because I wanted to hunt more dragons...I have the guide so that will have to do for finding the words of power...that and that mysterious friend who keeps sending me letters about when I used a shout in some places, pointing me to another word of power. Hopefully, someone will come out with a mod that will get you back into good relations with the Greybeards if you kill the dragon, or convince the Blades that he has paid for his crimes.


I hated killing the only other "good" dragon in the game, but then again, he does say, never trust another Dovah...so I didn't completely trust him, and after killing Alduin, he goes and takes up his mantle, to try and make the others follow his "Way of the Voice"...I'm not convinced his motives are completely altruistic...Odahviing says as much.


After killing Paarthurnax, I take up Alduins mantle instead, the mantle of the most powerful Dovah at the moment. I need more mods that give me more Dragon names to call...maybe a mod that will allow you to defeat a random dragon in battle, absorb it's soul, learning it's name in the process then have some kind of ability that would release the soul back into the dragons body, which would then give you a shout with that dragons name, allowing you to summon him like Odahviing.

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I respect the Blades but thought they were misguided in their desire to kill Paarthurnax for crimes that supposedly occurred thousands of years ago (!!!).


After they presented me with Paarthurnax's death-warrant, I successfully completed the main quest without the Blades and have no regrets about letting him live.

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I completed the Main quest without the blades as well, but it's the random dragon hunting that they help with that I want, that and the Greybeards penchant for finding me Words of Power for my shouts.
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It's funny because they say that they are "Bound by oath, so we can't help you until you kill Paarthanax" when they said that they were also "Bound by oath to protect the Dragonborn at all costs" earlier. Basically my response was "Well then screw you, i'll go kill Alduin by myself then..." beat the civil war because peace is totally overrated, muscled a free ride from a dragon by threatening him being imprisoned for eternity if he didn't, casually walked into Soverngarde and got some buddies that basically just sat around watching me get raped and occasionally plinking a few arrows off. I then teleported back to the world and killed Paartanax in spite just because I don't need his help anymore.
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