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Torn between Grey Beards and The Blades...is there a way to make both


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Thats' exactly what I did, I used him to get the main quest done, and before he and all the other dragons at the Throat of the World took off, I spoke to him, then slashed him so he didn't fly away. But I still feel bad about doing it because I lose out on his meditations, which I would lose out on anyway after the main quest is over, so no big deal there. Losing out on the word of power locations from the Greybeards does hurt me a bit more, because I can't find them as easily. But I also didn't want to subject the remaining dragons to Paarthurnaxs views of the way of the voice, I didn't subscribe to that view of the voice, if you have the power to help the world you live in, use it. Sitting on your laurels while the world burns, isn't my idea of a good thing. I kinda like being the new Alduin anyway, because that's what you become if Paarthurnax is dead, at least according to your new friend, Odahviing.
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I want to build them back up, but I want to change them a bit. They don't have to hunt ALL dragons...that's just wrong. The ones that attack villages, and are wholly evil are fine, but those that just want to hoard their treasure are fine. Odahviing wasn't all bad, and he became a loyal follower to me, so they can't all be bad eggs.
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I think there should be an option to kill off the blades instead. If they refuse to help the Dragonborn to fight Alduin and the other dragons, they are pretty much useless IMO, I can find dragons on my own thank you... Plus, nobody will miss them when they're gone. Esbern is just a stubborn old bastard who would rather prosecute the dragon who started the rebellion against Alduin, for a crime that occurred thousands of years ago and has no bearing on the current state of humanity or the blades, then help the Dragonborn save the world. What a selfish prick. I promptly drove my battleaxe into his skull after that.


The greybeards on the other hand taught me to use shouts, Paarthurnax showed me how to defeat Alduin despite being a dragon himself and they are the last people in Skyrim to have mastered the Thu'um, i.e. living heritage. It would be a travesty to lose them and all the Nords will probably hate me for it.


The Blades can just die off for all I care... more then half the members are my housecarls anyway...

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I killed Paarturnax, not because the blades told me, but because I felt I would rebalance things and make it right once and for all.

Screw the blades, I don't care about those pussies, and screw the old lazy grandpas in their retirement house on the mountain they are lazy too, sometimes you have to take a decision on your own. IMO either sides suck, they are a bunch of loosers, im the hero here!




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But I also didn't want to subject the remaining dragons to Paarthurnaxs views of the way of the voice, I didn't subscribe to that view of the voice, if you have the power to help the world you live in, use it. Sitting on your laurels while the world burns, isn't my idea of a good thing. I kinda like being the new Alduin anyway, because that's what you become if Paarthurnax is dead, at least according to your new friend, Odahviing.


You may not have subscribed to the way of the voice, as you believe the voice is to be used for good, but the dragons certainly did the exact opposite. They don't sit on their laurels, instead the vast, VAST majority go about, or rather, went about, under the leadership of Alduin, burning and destroying land and consuming all manner of nasty bits of meat...


So in theory, if Paarthurnax can actually turn a few dragons to his view of thinking, that is, the way of the voice, then rather going about and torching the land they'll actually put-up, shut-up and keep their voices to themselves, then the world of Nirn would be better off.


Odahviing also never said anything about Paarthurnax not being trustworthy, as I've just literally completed the main quest a few moments ago, so his words are fresh in my mind. All he said was that Paarthurnax's attempt to get dragons to follow the way of the voice may not be so easy, as not all dova will choose his leadership and his views over Alduins former way.


If anything, Odahviing is the one dragon that you would want to keep an eye on. Calling him loyal is a bit of a stretch. Only reason why he follows the Dragonborn, and he makes this very clear in what he says, and the way its said, is because 'currently' the dragonborn is the most powerful user of the Thu'um, and has demostrated his ability and proved his worth.


So he doesn't follow because he likes you, he follows because he respects you. That respect can quickly vanish should someone come along and prove to be more powerful. After all he did betray Alduin, and never picked sides until you defeated him, basically tipping his tail in the tides.


So that's just using my logic for not wanting or having killed Paarthurnax... :P


I think Bethesda have poorly implemented the Blades, because lets face it, they were hardly any help at all, and double-back on their codes about protecting the Dragonborn which should come first above all else about justifying the death of a dragon, whose crimes are only recorded in a dusty tome. At least they should have allowed you to complete the quest by flat-out refusing Esbern, kinda annoying having that quest active in my journal.


I also highly doubt that Paarthanux, after having helped get rid of Alduin, and having teached humans the way of the voice, spent thousands of years residing over the wise Greybeards, is suddenly going to get a lustful of power and take up his brothers destiny which if Paarthurnax is as wise as he looks, knows full well that's only going to end in tears.

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Did you notice how he just takes off, never to return after he finishes speaking? That to me, shows he no longer fears any retribution, and will go about any plans he has. I do truly think he was just waiting for the one being strong enough to defeat Alduin once and for all before he made his move.
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  • 1 year later...

The one that confuse me

My character always loyal to empire

And the blades was once the protector of empire

So,i think, if i side with the blades the empire can get their chance to fight aldmeri dominion(thalmor).

But,in other way, the greybeard,paarthurnaax,they helped me to save this world


Oh man bethesda in everygame always make this SHlT happen :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I used the console to get rid of the quest but esbern still doesnt help me

Maybe killing paarthurnax and then resurrect him?

Not sure but I completed the main quest line and killed alduin ages ago and have never visited the greybeards or the blades since, do they offer other quests or services after that?

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