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Dialogues issue, some sutititle appear for the wrong npc

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First of all, I must say I am not new in making dialogues for npcs. my Stonecrest mod has more than 1000 lines of dialogues.


Now lets explain my issue.


I have one issue with 2 lines of dialogues:


- Do you need a ship?

- The Bormir Ship is always ready to go.


Only Captain Aebond should say those lines as "random hellos" but ingame all animals and npcs say those lines. There is no sound come out there month but you can see the text in the subtitles.


I tried everything to fix it but it does not fix. Those 2 lines are the very first line that I ever added in the mod. I have no issue whit my other 1000+ lines.


Here is what I did into the ck:



Edited by BeauMath
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I tried that too. Originnaly, they was in the ST_StonecrestCityDialogues quest that I move them in the ST_BormirShipDialogues quest. It didn't fix it... Edited by BeauMath
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Have your tried putting your Voice Type as the first line, so the condition has to fire - I am just thinking of the potential logic paths that the ck could follow with the Or's first

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