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Females wearing male armor?


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I think I should have put [Request] on the thread title (since I can't edit the title of this thread) but could there be a mod where female characters (PCs and NPCs) wear male versions of all armor in the game (since I don't like the stereotypical "breast/boob armor" found in most games such as this one)? Edited by Gyiul
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  • 2 weeks later...

By the Nine, this must HAPPEN. If I had any skill in modding, I would do this myself. It's nice to find someone who agrees with the (unfortunately rare) "no boob-armor" sentiment.


The body structure might actually be very slightly different for male and female PCs, though (especially for minimum-weight characters like the female Dunmer I play), so it might take more work than simply replacing the female meshes with male ones - but that's less important than the shapes (and coverage) of the armor pieces themselves. I once read this excellent essay about why the breast-cups are a bad idea, specifically because they channel the force of a blade thrust upward and tend to get people stabbed in the throat. Oblivion take it, no wonder I keep getting stabbed to death so easily!

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I want!


And a male version, too!



Okay, after a little perusing I've decided that all modders looking to make female armor need to check that blog for inspiration. If i had any modeling skills, I'd be overwhelmed trying to decide which picture to work off of. Thanks for the link!

Edited by phayze81
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I also hope for more realistic female armor. Instead of a boob-cup,for example, it'd be nice to see a single curve or a single central angle instead... even if you don't care about realism (like myself; "ultra-realism" is almost always a barrier to enjoyment for me), it just plain looks cooler. Not everyone needs to see more and more and more skin... Edited by Melissia
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Guest MajinCry

Should be simple enough, what with that .inf file converter thingmy.


Just get Blender/Milkshape/Whatever, Google how to select vertices and drag 'em, export, voila. Not tae hard.

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