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CTD when loading a save or starting a new save


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As the topic says, my oblivion game file seems to crash when loading a save or starting a new one. I tried turning off all the mods to see if that would fix it, but it did not any suggestions would be helpful. After cleaning my registry files of anything oblivion and reinstalling again i got the game to load up.

Since i got it to load i decided to try to figure out what caused it. now im not positive but im pretty sure its Oblivion reloaded, because after installing it and checking to see if it would load it crashes when loading saves again. Does anyone have any clue why?

Edited by coxicus1
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Oblivion Reloaded can cause issues if it is not installed by Wrye Bash. if that isn't how you did it, uninstall it, move the file to the Bash Installers folder and install it that way. other than that, i don't see any glaring issues.


(personally, i've had issues with Alternative Start if it isn't loaded last, but that might have just been on my end.)

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