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Horse (or mount) improvements


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C'mon Beth no mounted combat, Mount & Blade has done it why can't you. In oblivion i never used horses no mounted combat that made them almost pointless in my view. i bet there will be Horse Armor DLC this time around too lol
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Ocarina of Time for the win!


I love the way you present it all on. Great reading and even better, amazing ideas for which would add not just more thrill to the game, but also make it a lot more effective and less frustrating, considering how my horse always charge my enemies when I'm about to put down quietly, making me panic and run after the bloody horse it like a total numbnut!


Bring it on ^__^

Edited by Vaccaria
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What I'd like to see


1. "Bound horse" spell to summon a temprary horse, useful for those of us who are a bit 'too rough' on our horses.

2. Quicker dismount for those wearing light or no armor.

3. Add a permanent quest, 'find my horse' which directs you to the horse. As such casting Clairvoyance will show you the path to where your horse ran off.

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basically the horse funtionality and animation of "RedDeadRedemption" would make Skyrim the best game ever for me.


but i know that there was tons of development for the RDR horses, so it will possibly stay a dream off mine.


but i support anyhing that goes in that direction and would even pay for it...

Edited by Aheeia
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If mounted combat goes in, it'd be really awesome if there was a skill and perk line to support it.


Perhaps something like:

Spur 1-5: Move 20% faster on horseback

Trample: While sprinting, knock enemies prone (similar to shield rush)

Thoroughbred: Horse can sprint longer

Vicious Temperament: Horse more effective when attacking on own

Bond: While mounted, add your health and stamina to your horse's

Light Barding: Horse can equip light armor

Heavy Barding: Horse can equip heavy armor

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