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miscellaneous problem


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right, i don't even know what to call this problem, so im having no luck with google.


first, i use a 360 controller.


recently when i run forward its like the game can't tell if im trying to run or walk. so it kinda rapidly switches between run and walk. and when i press A once the game responds twice, so equipping things is irritating and shopping and looting is a pain.


i don't know enough to tell weather this is a game issue or a controller issue. but it seems to be exclusive to skyrim


if u have a solution then i love u, but just identifying where the problem is would be great.


EDIT- i should also note that its inconsistent in doing this. it won't happen every time i move or press A.

Edited by DR4G0NF
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I don't have a console controller so I can't speak for that.

However, if I remember right, when you first start Skyrim your player walks by default, and you press <shift> to sprint (or is that something I configured in the "controls"?). Sprinting is different than running, sprinting is faster. However, when you hit <Caps lock> your player runs instead of walking, and then still sprints when I am pressing <shift>, until <caps lock> is toggled again. So try toggling your <caps lock> after you load your game. I'm thinking this prob is related to the control of <caps lock>. Watch the LED when you try to move.

Edited by HalloweenWeed
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