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Does a solution for dual wield equip exist yet?


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My problem is that I like to use 2 swords but reequipping them after using a heal spell (dual spells work without a problem) doesn't work, it will always equip my main hand and leave the other one equipped with a heal spell of whatever I had in there before. Is it for example possible that an Object mapped with 1 will always be in the left hand and 2 always be in the right?

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I don't know that there's a fix yet, although a new patch is supposed to be out after Thanksgiving, but what I've noticed in-game is that you have to press the favorites key twice to dual-wield, whether it's a weapon or magic. So for example if you have a steel sword favorited and bound to the #1 key, pressing 1 will equip it in your right hand, pressing 1 again will equip a second one in your left hand.
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