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Alpha Transparency issue in Outfit Studio and CK


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I've been messing around with the PlayerHouse_KitchenRefrigerator.nif and its ruined counterpart. I swapped the texture and material paths so that I'd get a fridge with intact glass and a ruined appearance. Now in Nifskope everything looks fine; the glass in the door is transparent, but in Outfit Stuido, the Creation Kit and in-game the window is black.


At first, I thought it was something I did, but then I decided to throw the original PlayerHouse_KitchenRefrigerator.nif into OS and see what happened. Sure enough, the window turned black.


I can't find anything that looks odd in the NifSkope entries. Maybe someone here has an idea?

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translucent transparencies in FO4 work a little differently than they have in the past. You can't use a BSLightingShaderProperty, it has to be a BSEffectShaderProperty and a BGEM not a BGSM for the material.

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translucent transparencies in FO4 work a little differently than they have in the past. You can't use a BSLightingShaderProperty, it has to be a BSEffectShaderProperty and a BGEM not a BGSM for the material.


Oddly enough, the BSLightingShaderProperty and the BGSM are what the vanilla nif uses.

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Okay, so I have a BGEM set up and everything looks fine now in NifSkope; transparent glass with a certain degree of smudges and fogginess, just like the original Player House Refrigerator. The only problem is that the glass shows up as completely transparent in the CK and in-game. It's virtually non-existent.

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