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Removable default armor


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So if you have companion/servant/spouse/etc you can have them live at your house. Spiffy. Problem is, however, that the game gives all these characters a hidden default armor/clothing type that absolutely cannot be removed with current game mechanics. Yes, if you give them better (read: higher stats) armor then they will change into that, instead. But what if you want them to have weaker armor/clothing? They won't touch it.


Personally, I found little use for the companions in the game (playing a stealth archer, so they really just get in the way - sometimes literally) but they keep piling up. Well, fine, they all want to live at my house? They can ditch the full plate armor, throw on some NORMAL clothing like any sensible person and... I dunno... sweep up or something. Sadly, though, I can't do that - see above.


Thus the mod request: Removal the automatic/default/demand flags on companion inventory items (read: armor & weapons) so that we can put them into whatever outfits we want. Thanks!

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my idea too since my first companion in the game. make it our choise what they wear , completely removing the hidden armor thing they decided to add and just add those points to their carry weight stat instead. also i would like this feature for the marriage option since the wife i choose in game runs around in a dirty mining suit and carries a pickaxe 24/7 no matter how wealthy i am and it's starting to feel quite dull... i'm all in for a mod that correct those problems :)
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Well I found a workaround, actually.


First, talk to them and ask to share inventory. Take everything you can - this will make editing their inventory much, much easier.


Console ~

Click on Companion

type "showinventory"


Now you see what they are carrying, along with the item ID# of their stuff. If you can't see it all at once use PAGEUP to scroll back up the console window.


While the companion is still targeted, "removeitem XXXXXXXX" (with X being the item ID# shown in previous "showinventory" list)


The item will vanish. Now close the console and quickly talk to them, ask to share inventory, and hand them something that fits that slot. For instance, if you deleted their boots, give them a new paid of boots.


Since the companion code is to equip whatever has the best rating (actually, I think it decides this based on the PRICE of the item, not it's stats), and their default item is gone, they will equip whatever you hand them.


The reason I say do it quickly is that I've noticed that if you don't give them something to fill that default slot then the game tends to magically make their original gear respawn into their inventory. However, so long as they have something in that slot then their default does not respawn. Thus, they actually wear the outfits you give them and wield the weapons you give them as well.

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Can't you just use the console command "removeallitems" (without the " "), so it would look like removeallitems


Then you can just go and give the npc what you want them to have. You have to click on the npc that you want to alter, and some npcs' gear respawns. However, generally, I find that it works.



Ooops, my bad. Someone already posted this.

Edited by Aegrus
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