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Attempting adjumsents to SM Plugin Refurbish

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Hi, I'm trying to make some personalized adjustments to SM Plugin Refurbish by Strategy Master. Primarily I want to adjust the criteria for Battlhorn Castle so that it's quest for ownership only starts when you become Master of the Fighter's Guild. Similarly though, I would like to adjust Frostcrag so that it can only be acquired after becoming Arch-Mage of the Mage's Guild (currently you only need to be rank 3 or have an average of your combined magic skills be above 40).


The problem: I can load the plugin in the construction set and make my changes, but as soon as I try to save the file it crashes leaving me rather stuck at the moment.

​Any help is appreciated, thank you.

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If you are editing an esp file that has esp files as its masters, the Construction Set will not like that. From what I have noticed, there are two ways to fix it: the overly complex and the incredibly easy way:

  • The overly complex way is to "esmify" the esp masters the plugin needs (make them look like esm files to the editor), and change the masters in the plugin's (the one you are editing) master list to point to the esm versions instead. I think Wrye Bash can esmify and espify plugins, and at least TES4Edit can change the masters, maybe WB can also. You should do this by copying the masters, and esmifying the copies. You can then open the mod and its masters in the CS, edit and save. Once you have edited it, remember to change the plugin's master list to point to the esp versions of the masters, because that is what people will have in their load order. You can then dispose of the esm versions of the masters (assuming you have the original esp versions backed up).
  • The incredibly easy way is to install the incredible Construction Set Extender by shademe, and it will allow you to load esp files as masters, edit and save with no additional labour on your part. It also enhances and bugfixes the whole CS, so you should use it anyway.

Something like that. I would recommend getting the CSE, as it should be incredibly easy.


Hopefully that helps a little. :thumbsup:

Edited by Contrathetix
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Oh my god, thank you. I never knew about that. The Extender is so much better to use than the original. I always tried to avoid the construction set as much as possible, and would just contain myself to using TES4Edit for making minor changes I wanted; there are just some things, like editing these scripts, that aren't possible in there though. Thank you again, and for the explanation of why it was not working.

​Note: A little more awake tonight and I notice I have a typo in my title. Embarrassing.

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No problem. The one who deserves the unending gratitude of us all is shademe.


The CSE should actually make it quite easy to also adjust minor stuff in the Construction Set. It is somewhat easy to forget to change something in TES4Edit, in case the CS would change it automatically to adjust for other changes. Maybe. Or maybe not. The Internet seems to murder the ability to type. Handwriting works without typos, but when on the Internet, every text I write seems to contain at least one typo. Were it not for the frustration it causes, it might even be fascinating. :laugh:

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