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List of Requests


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Hi, i have a small list of Mod Request that are pretty important (from my perpective)


1.Better Food


I dont like the low Health Restore on Cooked Meals.

I understand that potions should be better and such but 10 Health in a cooked meal is a joke.

Wahat i have in Mind is:

Veggis/Fruits 3-4 Health points

Raw meat 7 Health points , Rare Raw Meat 10 Health

Grilled Meat 15-25 Health

Cooked Meals (more than 2 "Items") 20-35 Health

Special New Meals: Rare Meat + Lot of Items up to 50 Health


This would allow a play without Magic and Alchemy(inkl found Potions) at all if someone wants 2 play a true Warrior/Hunter (Nord).


2.Order in (House) Chests


I want 2 have order in my Chest that they are so ordered like my Character (Apperal , Weapons , Books etc)

There so many item unordered (only by name) that i want have a better overview


3.Better Command Animal


I think the Power is 2 weak. I think this power should be a Compangion for the Bosmer which can die.

So if possible i would like 2 have removed the timelimit.

on the other hand i want i want a lvl cap, so people cant just take a snow saber tooth tiger and kill evrything-

I think of till Character lvl 10 only wolfes etc, from lvl 10 normal strong animals (snow wolf) and form lvl 15 normal sabertooths and from lvl 20 Snow sabertooth.


4. Darker Nights


this Game is way 2 bright at night and i want to have it Darker.

Can somebody pls make this? I mean Nightvision and Torches/Lightspells arent really needed.

Edited by DonKalleOne
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